Reality Can Be Stranger Than Fiction

Going through history, every once in a while one can come across events that are strange to thinking mind. These events can cause one to comtemplate the futility of understanding the dynamics of reality, and how unexpectedly life unfolds.

Dennis Rodman

Taiping Rebellion

This war was truly massive.

The Roman Invasion Of Britian

So it was that Plautius undertook the expedition, though he had difficulty in getting his army to leave Gaul, since the troops were indignant at the prospect of campaigning outside the known world, and would not obey him until Narcissus, who had been sent by Claudius, mounted Plautius’ tribunal and tried to harangue them. Thereupon they became even more angry and refused to allow him to speak at all, but suddenly all in unison they raised the cry ‘Io Saturnalia’ – at the festival of Saturn the slaves take over the role of their masters and engage in festivities – and at once they willingly followed Plautius. Cassius Dio Cocceianus, The Histories of Rome, Book 60, Chapter 19